The “SACICT Craft Trend 2018” display centered on the idea of a “Social CRAFT Network” enabling escape from the confusion of the social world to focus on design work that would produce intriguing and impressive art.
/// Thailand ///
“SACICT Craft Trend 2018” gave a view into the future of contemporary crafts for entrepreneurs, manufacturers, designers, and those who find enchantment not only in elegance handicrafts, but also in the unique imperfections of handcrafted items, and who want to not only learn more, but expand the circle of arts and crafts lovers.
The Social Craft Network is trending widely this year, using technology already in people’s lives to create a virtual society where needed information is right at their fingertips. These days, though, there is so much information at hand so quickly and easily that it’s bewildering, and we often just want to shut our eyes and rest. Design work itself provides a path allowing escape into more peaceful places in the mind.

“Digital detoxing” is a good way to limit present-day escapism, and results in design trends based on actual usage of items by the consumer in daily life: walking, sitting, sleeping, for example. When people need rest, the designer’s solution is to meditate on what is most easily understood, not complex, seeking simple solutions that will improve daily life.
“Mass exclusivity” refers to extended development of handicrafts into industrial production, where concepts of craftsmanship are coordinated with industrial systems to mass-produce handicrafts without losing their unique character while at the same time reducing production costs.