/ Bangkok, Thailand /
/ Story: Supachart Boontang / English version: Bob Pitakwong /
/ Photographs: Chaiyapruk Podang /
Created by a master architect, this contemporary wooden home in a suburb of Bangkok bespeaks the timeless elegance of traditional style residential architecture.
“It’s my intention to build this house out of wood because our country has strengths in wooden architecture,” said Chatree Ladalalitsakul, a nationally renowned architect. “Use of wood is the root of our wisdom and culture. It has made us self-sufficient in residential design and construction.”
The three-story home is crafted mainly of wood and structural concrete in beautiful flatwork finishes. Its uncluttered interior space is evidence of a minimalist style, combining aesthetics and functionality in ways that allow materials to show off their unique character.
Because the owner wanted his home to be perfect in every way, he gave the builders all the time it took to do it once and do it right. The resulting unsurpassed craftsmanship took three years in the making. The house emerged as a magnum opus in Thai residential architecture as he intended.
Striking the right balance, the interior showcases just enough pieces of magnificent woodwork, some of which are rare in this day and age.
The house plan is divided into two zones according to needs and activities. There’s a 10-meter-wide open space that clearly separates the private residential area from the office zone. The in-between space provides semi-outdoor room to chill out in the cool breeze looking out over the pool.
The first floor of the residential wing has plenty of room for dining, an open kitchen and piano room. The second floor holds a bedroom with private workspace, while the third contains a multi-use area for rest and recreation plus the owner’s favorite hobby, painting.
Sharing his work experience and a passion for wood, Chatri said: “A culture of wood construction that for centuries has benefited from the wisdom of our predecessors is on the decline. If it’s gone, our next generations will lose it forever.”
Overall, it’s a contemporary wooden home of outstanding merit. This is one that bespeaks the homeowner’s energy and enthusiasm to keep inspiring young architects to do their parts in preserving traditional-style wooden house design and architecture for years to come.
Owner/Architect: Chatri Ladalalitsakul of Tonsilp Studio
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