GREY RAY: Chanchalad Khanjanawong’s stationery for a green world
Beginning with the opening of an art school more than 15 years ago, Chanchalad , founder and director of Grey Ray, has brought his own artistic experience while teaching and working with children to formulate questions, gain insights, and be an inspiration in the creation of stationery.
He has received many awards on many stages: the OKMD award for Thai innovation, 2013 G-mark Good Design Award, and the 2013 Denmark Design Excellence Award.

Grey Ray stationery is brimming over with environmentally aware concepts, selection of materials, and designs that give life and spirit to Thai stationary products. These have caught fire in an unprecedented way with their truly practical uses.

One example is the EE Defender pencil sleeve, a protective covering saving more than 3.8 cm of graphite per full use. Another is the Natural Made Eco Eraser, created in collaboration with Japanese researchers experimenting with recycled industrial seashells to substitute for rubber in erasers. Erasers produced this way are fully natural, and not armful even to children who may absent-mindedly chew on them.

Interested in participating in a discussion and exchange of ideas with Chanchalad Khanjanawong, founder of Grey Ray? You can reserve a free place at “Eco Design,” at the Third Room x Living ASEAN Design Talk Seminar, “Conscious Design,” October 29 from 2:00 to 4:00 PM. Just visit