With incredibly lush gardens on the property, this house brings to mind an ideal tropical jungle, but with even more bright colors of flowering and leafy plants than in the real thing.
Gardens all around the house create a relaxing green atmosphere.The water pond comes in two parts — a small still-water pool for goldfish, and a bigger pond that holds Amazon arapaima with strong currents running through it.From the inside looking out, colorful varieties of plants abound. At the far end a beautiful waterfall fills the garden ambience with soothing sounds. In the foreground are two separate fishponds.
The owner got what he wanted — a permanently blooming tropical rainforest garden with beautiful trees in almost every corner. Most of them are native species with beautiful leaves and flowers. The owner had gone to Chiang Mai to pick them out himself. His favorites include cigar flower, fan palm, and a lot of fern varieties.
A previous architect had designed and built the hardscape at the same time as the house. Only later on was the garden design and landscaping taken on by Panat.
Panat said that all remaining landscaping was dependent on the big trees the owner had planted before any designing went on, and on the hardscape which had already been set up.
Oak-leaf ferns thrive at the water’s edge while red rhipsalis ramulosa hangs down from treetops as if growing naturally.A bridge made of old railway ties crosses a small pool at the center of the garden. /// The main yard connects the front of the house to the tropical forest garden near the fence. Here plants with different leaf textures create a natural-looking atmosphere.The house opens onto a grass lawn. Across the pond a relaxing deck and lounge leads to the inside garden.
The designer responded by using ground cover to highlight groups of mixed plant varieties, playing with various flower and leaf colors, helping keep the large garden from an overly formal or harsh appearance.
Everywhere around the house are ponds and the sound of running water. The owner takes pleasure in coming out to admire his garden every day. It’s the best possible reflection of his love for lovely, peaceful gardens in a perfect natural setting.
Wooden decking affords plenty of space for deck furniture made for socializing and admiring the scenery. Parts of the wood deck juts out over the carp pond.The owner came across a bird sculpture at a community mall and commissioned an artist to design one like it for his own use. He wanted it to give the impression of birds in flight while functioning as fountain and waterfall ornaments. ///The walkway connecting the house to the carport runs past a spirit house set on a beautiful garden spot.The swimming pool is at the center of the house. For privacy, tall plants block outside view. A passageway conveniently connects this spot to the gym. /// Chaise lounges by the swimming pool are the owner’s favorite hangout, where you can find him almost any day.
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